Sunday, July 29, 2012




SAG is The Society of American Gerrorists. A gerrorist is a geriatric terrorist -- the nemesis of young people everywhere.  SAG has declared covert war on young people who disrespect their elders.    Gerrorists use their superior brain power, wit, and cunning to make life just as miserable for kids (anyone not eligible for AARP), as they make it for their elders.  Game on, kids.

If you are an elder who is fed up with the callous, uncaring attitude of kids whose only goal in life is to push us older people aside, there’s a place at the table for you.  Please join us in the fight against youth.  Our numbers are growing rapidly.  Become a member today and join in the fun.  Have a laugh or two on them for a change.  We’ll teach you the basic tactics that every SAG member should know to make young people’s lives a living hell.  And you can contribute your ideas in our SAG Forum.

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